Making America Safe and Welcoming for EVERYONE

Recent events have created an opportunity for Americans to seek change that will benefit everyone both socially and economically. Denny Smith has been leading seminars on diversity and inclusion since 2010. His hands-on workshops provide a platform for diverse audiences to foster courageous but civil dialogue, then work together for systemic change to elevate the quality of life for all of us.

A pro-active approach for diminishing racism and other forms of discrimination in the workplace, in our schools, and in our  communities.

The seminar includes discussion of specific systemic change.

“Though I may not be here with you, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe….Now it is your turn to let freedom ring.”

John Lewis, published on the day of his funeral.

A group of women are sitting around a wooden table.

Seminar Description

At no time in history have our young people had a greater opportunity to mold America’s future. Embracing Diversity is a hands-on, interactive forum that encourages us to get in touch with our own fear and bias; then apply specific skills for conducting courageous yet civil dialogue. It also includes discussion of necessary systemic change. Participants will leave the session inspired and armed with techniques they can use immediately to replace racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination with understanding and harmony. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, says “Our best hope is the generation coming up.”

We couldn’t agree more.

What Participants Will Learn

  • Identify 8 significant historical events in our struggle for equality.
  • How to lead and engage in courageous but civil conversations about racism, sexism and other divisive issues.
  • How to identify and deal with micro-aggression.
  • How to calmly correct racial and other discriminatory remarks.
  • How to implement four steps to embracing diversity and inclusion.
  • How to work for systemic change in education, health care, closing the achievement gap, and ensuring economic well-being.

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