Teaching From The Inside Out


Educating from the Inside Out is a hands-on session based on the premise that the teacher is the decisive element in the classroom. His/her people skills and emotional intelligence create the climate and determines whether problems will escalate or de-escalate and students humanized or de-humanized. Learning largely depends on the attitude and demeanor of the adults in charge.

Participants will learn how to…

Grow 5 traits of a successful leader

Stay positive even during challenging times

Create increased awareness leading to self-mastery

Self-coach to mastery of any desired skill

Develop emotional intelligence leading to a calm, controlled leadership style

Clearly define desired outcomes

Deal with upset people calmly and effectively

Deal with problems in a corrective rather than critical manner


  1. YOU are the decisive element: YOU make the difference
  2. Creating a warm, welcoming classroom environment
  3. Keeping yourself positive during challenging times
  4. Emotional Intelligence – How to carve a duck
  5. The Importance of Awareness – Awareness precedes change
  6. 4 Steps to Self-coaching
  7. Outcome-based leadership – Clearly defining expectations
  8. 3 Steps for dealing with upset people
  9. Correction vs Criticism – Dealing with behavior without demeaning the person
  10. Conflict resolution/Staying calm under fire
  11. YOU create the culture

Break-out Topics

Educating From The Inside Out and Emotional Intelligence: How To Carve A Duck both serve as excellent break-out sessions.  Any of the topics listed below can be customized for Support staff, Custodians, Food Service staff, Pupil Transportation Personnel or anyone involved in the education of our students. The main point: one’s secondary role is that of being a custodian or cook or secretary. The staff person’s primary role is that of an educator—by default you have a profound effect on the climate and students’ enjoyment of their school day.

Keeping Yourself Positive During Challenging Times

Staying Calm Under Fire/Dealing With Difficult People

Correction vs. Criticism

You DO Make The Difference

Building Self-esteem and Confidence

EMBRACING DIVERSITY: Making Our Schools Safe and Welcoming for ALL students

Next Steps…

Chat with Denny. What are you thinking about for your next education meeting, break-out sessions or conference? Custom-designed presentations will complement and reinforce the theme and goals of the event. Presentation flexibility helps make your job easier.

Email Denny!